From the time the Peel Paramedic Benevolent Fund was established, part of the vision was to honor our colleagues who have passed away.
In December 2018, we were proud to announce the creation of 5 scholarships to be awarded annually, with presentations taking place at the Peel Paramedic awards gala.
The Peel Paramedic Benevolent Fund proudly announces the following scholarships.
Graham Blair memorial scholarship
Dan Martin memorial scholarship
Chris Rix memorial scholarship
Martin Wood memorial scholarship
Murray Charland memorial scholarship
Each scholarship will be in the amount of $500.
The breakdown for eligibility for each scholarship is as follows,
The Martin Wood Memorial Scholarship
Presented to a graduating PCP student from Humber College who best demonstrates leadership in the field as exemplified by: dedication to the profession, integrity, and compassion for patients and fellow students.
This criteria has been shared with Humber College faculty who will determine the student who best exemplifies these qualities.
The Chris Rix Memorial Scholarship
Presented to a graduating PCP student riding out in Peel, nominated by their preceptor. For any of you precepting, this means you! If you have a student who demonstrates excellence in paramedicine, please nominate them.
The Graham Blair Memorial Scholarship
Presented to a graduating PCP student riding out in Peel, nominated by their preceptor. For any of you precepting, this means you! If you have a student who demonstrates excellence in paramedicine, please nominate them.
The Dan Martin Memorial Scholarship
Presented to the dependent of any Peel Paramedic Benevolent Fund member enrolled in a post-secondary program. Proof of enrollment is required with the application as well as contact information. The deadline for submissions is late April . The recipient will be selected at random from all eligible submissions.
The Murray Charland Memorial Scholarship
Presented to the dependent of any Peel Paramedic Benevolent Fund member enrolled in a post-secondary program. Proof of enrollment is required with the application, as well as contact information. The deadline for applications is late April. The recipient will be selected at random from all eligible submissions.
Click here to apply, no later than late April . Those who are selected will be notified in early May. The recipient will also receive one admission ticket to the Peel Paramedic Awards Gala. Those selected will be required to provide proof of enrollment/proof of graduation by early May.
All those selected will be required to provide proof of enrollment in a post-secondary educational institution as of early May.
Please direct any questions you may have to any member of the Peel Paramedic Benevolent Fund board of directors or email